If you care, you listen

Caring thru Listening
© istockphoto/ Matt Jeacock
I stumbled into this Gary Vaynerchuk presentation — a friend of mine had it under his tumbler. It’s a pivotal presentation. It changes all you knew about how to market your products.
I used to think Twitter was a waste of time, and… I still think it is, for a bunch of people. What these people haven’t realized yet is how incredible it is to listen and learn from the best minds in the world — that’s what I’m doing, and I find it fantastic.
Think about it. It’s easier than blogging. It takes a lot less to tweet than to post. So, it’s easier for your regular genius to share what they consider great finds. If we’re tuned into their tweets, or twitter search the keywords of the subject we’re interested in, we find true gems.
Now, Gary shows us a more focused way of listening. He’s talking about looking (or listening) for potential customers through keyword twitter searches, to solve their tweeted problems. It’s obvious, that this caring attitude will gain us a cadre of loyal followers — not to mention that it will make our world a much better place.
Maybe that’s why twitter is worth $3.7 billion nowadays.