
Courtesy of Geo Computing
Its been a fascinating few days. I’ve been touched by what I’ve learned to the point I believe I’ve changed my way of being.
I loved Jon Kabat-Sinn’s mindfulness video. I have to admit that I had never been able to meditate, nor understood meditation. I’m not sure I wholly comprehend the concept now, but, I like Jon’s interpretation.
My old definition of meditation used to be that it was a tool to get in contact with god, the universe, or served as a stress relief. It did not strike a chord in me. Its flaky spiritual component shied me away.
Jon states that meditation allows us to be aware. Now, how can anyone not be interested?
Our minds are a great tool, very useful to do things. Unfortunately, it’s always busy solving doing concerns, worrying about the future, replaying our burdening memories.
In order to be, we need to stop doing.
We need to dive as deep as we can to silence the surface waves of our thoughts. And, as Jon says, if you feel you’re not meditating well enough, be patient, don’t rush it, be kind to yourself. Remind yourself that the waves will always be there, it’s the nature of the sea.
After fine tuning our instrument, we are ready to play our daily lives’ symphony. Although, after surfacing from our deep dives, we continue throughout the day to meditate while doing. In other words, we strive to align our doing with our being. Eckhardt Tolle explains this beautifully in his Wisdom in Daily Life video.
Awareness is being ourselves. Then, reflecting about who we are leads us to being aware.
Who am I? I don’t know. A great start for a meditation. I loved the answer to this question. Apart from being a smart answer, it’s a funny one. It takes a happy person to understand that it leaves plenty of room to peel of the layers to learn ever more about ourselves. It also places us at the brink of who we are — a creative position.
What is my purpose in life? Another profound meditation question.
In essence, “being” is embodying your life’s purpose.
Meditation requires that we open ourselves, letting go of our lives. Like a warrior, we should be on guard to act upon the signs presented to each of us, swiftly and decisively.
So, it’s also a profound act of trust. It requires that we trust our lives to the compassion of the oneness of the universe.
There’s plenty supporting the oneness of it all. We’ll continue the dialogue in a future post.