A high ground position commands Trust: 2 true ways to climb to the top

Sir Winston Churchill.
Courtesy of Wikipedia.
Have you noticed how easy it is for some guys to influence others? Why are people so willing to give them a red carpet treatment?
Could it be that it’s simply because they have built a solid reputation for themselves?
It’s obvious that a high ground position commands an advantage: trust.
If you’ve gained the top of the hill, people naturally feel more inclined to trust you because they respect your achievement.
Let’s take a look at a couple of ways to help you gain high ground trust, or a reputation:
- The most obvious way to get ahead is to become an expert.
- You must be recognized by your compassion.
It doesn’t matter if you’re a scientist or a prize fighter. In order to become a recognized guru in your line of work, you have to dig deeper than the rest. So much so, that you should be digging at the edges of your subject, or breaking new ground.
It also helps to narrow your focus, or to find your niche at the intersection of other subjects.
For instance, I’ve focused my blogging to cover the three subjects I consider essential to safely navigate the white water rafting waters of the 21st century work environment: to know one’s self purpose, how to network with others, and the world economy.
If you’re going to navigate turbulent waters, you need to be able to tap your full potential, you also need the safety net of a well nourished network, and, you must have a clear view to take advantage of the opportunities that are out there.
In other words, you must achieve a moral high ground because you help others.
Winston Churchill is one of my favorite subjects because of the bizarre way of advancing his political career: at an early age he decides to become a hero, in order to gain notoriety.
The young Churchill realized that by offering his life to others —in the pursuit of their safety—, people would pay him back in kind by voting him into office.
Of course, there are many other notable examples: Mother Theresa, Mahatma Gandhi, the Dalai Lama and others. As well as, less known well meaning average Joes and Janes.

Mahatma Gandhi.
Gandhi once said:
“When I despair, I remember that all through history the ways of truth and love have always won. There have been tyrants, and murderers, and for a time they can seem invincible, but in the end they always fall. Think of it–always.”
Do you see the reference to compassion in his words?
We all have a basic need to do good to others.
So, get involved with your community’s problems. Give a hand, that I’m sure you’ll not only grow in the eyes of others, but, your heart will feel better.
Finally, I recommend plain honesty.
It may appear cheesy, but, to recognize that you have made a mistake —which no one but you may be aware of— to your wife, children, client or company, takes a lot of courage. It may be tough to face the consequences, but over time, people will learn to respect and trust you. And, most importantly, you will respect yourself.