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The following quotes from the diaries and letters of Westcott and Hort demonstrate their serious departures from orthodoxy, revealing their opposition to evangelical Protestantism and sympathies with Rome and ritualism. Anti Christ, Bible, Christianity, Doctrine, Roman Catholic Church, 3And as he sat upon the mount of Olives, the disciples came unto him privately, saying, Tell us, when shall these things be? Former governing body member Raymond Franz listed Nathan H. Knorr, Fredrick W. Franz, Albert D. Schroeder, George D. Gangas, and Milton G. Henschel as members of the translation team, adding that only Frederick Franz had sufficient knowledge in biblical languages. This means that W&H, influenced heavily by Tischendorf, who was himself led by a corrupt document (Vaticanus) and a bad forgery (Sinaiticus), and all three edited by a Jesuit cardinal, formed the basis for those modern versions you may now be harbouring in your hand, heart, house, church or Bible school! While there, Newman sought an interview with Cardinal Wiseman, who was later to have a telling influence on the 1871-1881 revision of the King James Bible and the romanizing of the English Church. [122], In October 1996, James B. Parkinson stated, "the Jehovah's Witnesses' New World Translation (NWT, 1950) offers a relatively accurate translation from a different theological perspective. Cardinal Wiseman wrote, To call it any longer the Douay or Rheims Version is an abuse of terms. [18] The stated intention was to produce a fresh translation, free of archaisms. I, p.420). [30][31] Cross references which had appeared in the six separate volumes were updated and included in the complete volume in the 1984 revision. But, she wanted someone to fight against the Jesuits and wrote to Beza, co-worker with Calvin, to see if he would take up the challenge. He wrote a book called Which Version in the early 1900s. What a heinous mix of good and bad! Letters and words, even whole sentences, are frequently written twice over, or begun and immediately cancelled; while that gross blunder, whereby a clause is omitted because it happens to end in the same words as the clause preceding, occurs no less than 115 times in the New Testament.. 1850 May 12th Hort: You ask me about the liberty to be allowed to clergymen in their views of Baptism. Translation into other languages is based on the English text, supplemented by comparison with the Hebrew and Greek. [30] The United Bible Societies' text (1975) and the Nestle-Aland text (1979) were used to update the footnotes in the 1984 version. Sinaiticus]) Thus, we see that the Revised Version is not a revision in any sense whatever, but a new Bible based on different manuscripts from the King James, on Catholic manuscripts in fact. (Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers (Christian Lit. Dr. Scrivener was the one man that fought them tooth and nail all the way, but he was always outvoted. That is, Alexandrian).. I suggested to Ellicott a plan of tabulating and circulating emendations before our meeting, which may prove valuable. (Life, Vol.I, pp.392,393). More and more scholars were coming forth who were openly putting to one side all the mass of manuscript evidence that supported each other, agreed together, and putting their mind-set on a relatively few, which we have seen did not agree with each other. In spite of his biblical scholarship and links to Jesuits, there is no evidence that he was in any way converted, or even interested in Rome itself. pp.251,252). The reference edition contains the cross references and adds footnotes about translation decisions and additional appendices that provide further detail relating to certain translation decisions and doctrinal views. The New World Translation attempts to indicate progressive rather than completed actions, such as "proceeded to rest" at Genesis 2:2 instead of "rested". It was in this climate that Dr. Westcott and Dr. Hort appeared on the scene.. But deliver us from evil. Amen., (3) AMERICAN REVISED VERSION OF 1901: And bring us not into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one., (1) KING JAMES BIBLE. Desperate to ward off these closing events of human history and, hopefully, to quench them entirely, Satan began turning loose on the world a flood of error, apostasy, and perversion. "[113][114], In 1961 F. F. Bruce stated: "some of its distinctive renderings reflect the biblical interpretations which we have come to associate with Jehovah's Witnesses (e. g. 'the Word was a god" in John 1:1)". May 5th Westcott to Hort: at present I find the presumption in favour of the absolute truth I reject the word infallibility of Holy Scripture overwhelming. (Life, Vol.I, p.207). But, then along came Luther, who fanned the flames of the Reformation! [44][45], At the Watch Tower Society's annual meeting on October 5, 2013, a significantly revised translation was released. Answer:The Holy Scriptures must be thrown aside. A French priest, Richard Simon (1638-1712), was the first who subjected the general questions concerning the Bible to a treatment which was at once comprehensive in scope and scientific in method. These were called Tracts for the Times, and were written between 1833 and 1841. The foundation of our faith is the truth of Gods Word.(pbministries.org), In Antioch (Syria); where the followers of Christ were first called Christians, the true believers were making exact copies of the original manuscripts. It must be askedwhythe majority of Christians today are reading new versions, when they are founded on mostly Romanist manuscripts, one of them probably a fake? No such reason impelled the Jesuits of Rheims. Textual Criticism (part of Higher Criticism) began in earnest with Romanist Richard Simon in the 1600s. Brooke Foss Westcott (1825-1901) was born at Birmingham and Fenton John Anthony Hort (1828-1892) at Dublin. I looked till the lip seemed to tremble with intensity of feelingof feeling simply, for it would be impossible to say whether it be awe or joy or hopehumanity shrinking before the divine, or swelling with its conscious possession. All others were outlawed!, Those who are ignorant of the part played by Jesuits in the fall of the KJAV are destined to become their slaves, When the Counter Reformation was launched, the Jesuit order was its driving force. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil: For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, for ever. They knew that MSS in Greek, of the type from which the Bible adopted by Constantine had been taken, were awaiting them manuscripts, moreover, which involved the OT as well as the New. (This they later circulated under pledge of secrecy within the company of N.T. It is indicated that they provide a bridge between apostate Christianity and the occult and the New Age Movement. But lets give a explanation of who Westcott and Hort were, then go into Wescott's and Hort's Greek translation of the Bible and how Hort and Westcott persuaded scholars of the Revision Committee to switch to the corrupted Alexandrian text for the new version they were working on. Rome was behind many new versions even before Jerome set to work. So, she did not contact Cartwright. ", H.H. These pro-Catholics at Oxford came to be known as tractarians, because of the many small leaflets and tracts they published. It is clear that doctrinal considerations influenced many turns of phrase, but the work is no crack-pot or pseudo-historical fraud. It contains nearly all the New Testament, the Apocryphal Books plus two other false books, The Shepherd of Hermes and The Epistle of Barnabas. Every page contains corrections and revisions by at least ten different people. Wescott And Hort The Overthrow of the Greek Text The device is known as mental reservation and was used in these tracts.(worldincrisis). Moderate but not evangelical I was first offered an RSV when I was in Bible College (in 1968), but I rejected it. The above quote is not alone. "[124], Theologian John Ankerberg accused the New World Translation's translators of renderings that conform "to their own preconceived and unbiblical theology." 1867 Oct. 17th Hort: I wish we were more agreed on the doctrinal part; but you know I am a staunch sacerdotalist, and there is not much profit in arguing about first principles. (Life, Vol.II, p.86). So the Revisers went on changing until they altered the Greek text in 5,337 places(Dr. Everts, The Westcott and Hort Text Under Fire, Jan. 1921). It also seems not surprising that Westcott would call the Jesuit inspired Oxford Movement, "the Oxford Revival!" "The Oxford Revival in the middle of the century, quickened anew that sense of corporate life. It also incorporates the Greek text published by Westcott and Hort in The New Testament in the Original Greek and a literal word-for-word translation.[68][69][70]. It led the way and laid the basis for all Modern Speech Bibles to secure a large place. 20th Hort: I think I mentioned to you before Campbells book on the Atonement, which is invaluable as far as it goes; but unluckily he knows nothing except Protestant theology (Life, Vol.I, p.322). Nov., Advent Sunday Westcott: All stigmatise him (a Dr. Hampden) as a heretic,I thought myself that he was grievously in error, but yesterday I read over the selections from his writings which his adversaries make, and in them I found systematically expressed the very strains of thought which I have been endeavouring to trace out for the last two or three years. [21][22] Work began on December 2, 1947, when the "New World Bible Translation Committee" was formed, composed of Jehovah's Witnesses who professed to be anointed. The two major editors of these manuscripts were Westcott and Hort. . Rome employed Jerome, to distort the true scriptures even more. "[46], The Pericope Adulterae (John 7:53 8:11) and the Short and Long Conclusions of Mark 16 (Mark 16:820)offset from the main text in earlier editionswere removed. He concluded that the Gospel records are nothing more than a collection of myths which portrayed truths about mans existence rather than telling about actual historical events. In order to understand the New Testament, according to Bultmann, it is necessary to demythologize them. (worldincrisis). THE WESTCOTT & HORT CONSPIRACY - nccg.org [81][82] Both editions of the New World Translation are available online in various languages and digital formats. 30th, May 1st Hort: It seems to be clearly and broadly directed to maintaining that the English clergy are not compelled to maintain the absolute infallibility of the Bible. Since its publication in 1881, Westcott and Hort's work has proved to be impressively accurate, though far from perfect. Queen Elizabeth 1stloathed Catholics, but also disliked Puritans. Ben Abraham.com gives a list of comparisons (only a few mentioned here as examples). There is also an index listing scriptures by subject. You may ask, Would not a weakening of the place of Jesus Christ weaken the Roman Catholic Churchs reason for even existing? The answer is No. The Roman Catholic Church does not even claim to represent the gospel of Jesus Christ. [55] In reference to the Septuagint, biblical scholar Paul E. Kahle stated, "We now know that the Greek Bible text as far as it was written by Jews for Jews did not translate the Divine name by Kyrios, but the Tetragrammaton written with Hebrew or Greek letters was retained in such MSS (manuscripts).

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were westcott and hort jesuits