unit 7 progress check: mcq ap biopaterson street cleaning schedule 2020

These alleles code for glycoproteins that act as antigens on the red blood cells. Geologic events such as mountain building can directly affect biodiversity. In a certain small mammal, fur color is controlled by a pair of alleles, with B being dominant over b. Cells with nuclear membranes were better able to protect their genetic material against damage. Figure 1 shows the phylogeny of the birds. A scientist believes that the first organic molecules may have come to Earth on meteorites 3.6 billion years ago. A. Convergent evolution, because these organisms do not share a recent common ancestor. AP Biology Unit 7 Progress Check Flashcards | Quizlet Natural selection acted on variation that was present in both populations A and B, and the lack of gene flow eventually led to the formation of two new species. Biology Practice Exam - College Board The telomeric repeat sequences for selected organisms are given in Table 1. D. In response to different environments, populations A and B experienced different mutation rates, leading to the emergence of two different gene pools and, over time, new species A and B. C. The animals in population A accumulated fewer genetic mutations, adapting to their microclimate. A_1=25 \mathrm{~mm}^2, \quad A_2=50 \mathrm{~mm}^2, \quad L_1=3 \mathrm{~m}, \\ The researchers wish to increase the reliability of their experimental observations before investigating new claims that chemotherapy-resistant tumors are an example of continuing evolution. Which of the following predicts the expected outcome of the experiment? The current global warming trend is placing new selective pressures on the species involved in these relationships. The remaining members of the population are allowed to randomly mate with one another to produce generation 2 and future generations. The plant species will flower earlier in the spring in response to rising temperatures before the arrival of the pollinators, so seeds will not be produced. Based on the data in Table 1, which of the following best describes the relationship between the MC1R gene and coat color in the Carrizozo, New Mexico, rock pocket mouse population? Which of the following statements best predicts the result of a comparison between the fossils found before and after the period of rapid change? b) helping blood vessels to absorb nutrients. Based on the phylogenetic relationships shown in Figure 1, which of the following best explains the similarities exhibited by whales, bony fishes, and cartilaginous fishes? Double strands of DNA placed in a harsh environment will unwind and form RNA molecules for long term information storage. Over time, a new B. The same species will be found in both static periods, but the species in the second static period will have smaller shells due to the stress of undergoing rapid change. In a certain small mammal, fur color is controlled by a pair of alleles, with B being dominant over b. A dark coat color provides camouflage to mice on the lava flow rocks; therefore, mice with dark coats have a lower predation rate in that habitat. C. If a sediment layer that is 3.6 billion years old is tested, it will contain organic material. Implement function distribution() that takes as input the name of a file (as a string). Which of these would be an appropriate null hypothesis to test related to whether meteorites hit the Earth 3.6 billion years ago? After rearing five additional generations of the mice on this new food, the two groups are assessed for how efficiently this new food is digested. z=ycos(xy),(2,2,2)z=y \cos (x-y), \quad(2,2,2)z=ycos(xy),(2,2,2), Write the electron configuration of the ion. Because the mice are highly inbred, they are essentially identical to one another. Because the mice are highly inbred, they are essentially identical to one another. Immigration of individuals from Metro Manila into the two populations, Which of the following best explains the trend shown in Figure 1? C. Dark color is selected for in mice from the West, Mid, and East Populations. The darker backgrounds conferred a selective advantage to the black variety, as described by natural selection. Continue treating the three insect populations with the same insecticides and determine whether their efficiencies decline significantly after several generations. Can the voltage across a battery's terminals be higher than the battery's rated voltage? A. Which of the following principles best justifies a claim that cheetahs, compared to other large cats, have a relatively low resilience to environmental perturbations? (a)(a)(a) What is the angular momentum of a 2.8kg2.8 \mathrm{~kg}2.8kg uniform cylindrical grinding wheel of radius 28cm28 \mathrm{~cm}28cm when rotating at 1300rpm1300 \mathrm{rpm}1300rpm ? Population numbers will continue to decline even in the controlled fire sites because human activities always lead to extinction. In an exercise to understand how genetically controlled physical traits could affect speciation, a theoretical population was imagined that contained organisms with three shapes and three levels of pigmentation, as illustrated in Figure 1. Which of the following would be an appropriate alternative hypothesis? C. The plant species will flower earlier in the spring in response to rising temperatures before the arrival of the pollinators, so seeds will not be produced. The degrees of relatedness in several native populations of prairie chickens in Marion and Jasper Counties in Illinois were determined. Some lizards will migrate to new habitats in the mountains and become isolated, leading to allopatric speciation. Organisms in Bacteria, Archaea, and Eukarya each have adenine, thymine, guanine, and cytosine bases forming their DNA. The frequency of homozygous recessive individuals will increase because light-colored fur absorbs less heat. B. Bacterial ribosomes cannot recognize eukaryotic mRNA and will not translate the codon sequence. Which of the following best explains the mechanism that caused this speciation event in the giant kangaroo rats of population A? The current global warming trend is placing new selective pressures on the species involved in these relationships. In an experiment, the scientist creates two groups of twenty highly inbred mice. If the environment for the plant species becomes too warm, the pollinators will no longer migrate to that area in the spring, continuing on to a more northern environment instead. B. Which of the following best predicts why the recombinant bacteria will fail to produce the eukaryotic protein? General Instructions for your group. Make .sure .you .begin .the .exam .at .the .designated .time . . If you are giving the regularly scheduled exam, say: It is Monday morning, May 13, and you will be taking the AP Biology Exam. If you are giving the alternate exam for late testing, say: Start each population with genetically identical bacterial cells from a single culture to make sure that the initial genetic variation in all of the populations was exactly the same. C. The group of mice fed the mutagen will show a greater ability to digest the food, because the higher genetic variation within the group makes it more likely that some individuals will have a combination of genes better adapted to the new food. The switch to increased transport by planes during the twentieth century reduced this gene flow. The telomeric repeat sequences for selected organisms are given in Table 1. The second group is fed the same food without the mutagen. C. Controlled fires in counties 6 and 8 will have no effect on the sparrow populations. Which of the following is an alternative hypothesis that can be tested to support the RNA World Hypothesis? Which of the following conditions of Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium was most likely not met in the northern elephant seal population following overhunting? Geographic isolation will create separate gene pools, leading to speciation over time. C. The plant species will flower earlier in the spring in response to rising temperatures before the arrival of the pollinators, so seeds will not be produced. The woodlot environment is arid and species 1 and 2 are well-adapted to conserve water. C. Humans and mice share a recent common ancestor that had the 5-TTAGGG-35-TTAGGG-3 repeat sequence in its telomeres. D. Specimen 4. A. Which of the following best explains the impact of these new selective pressures on the organisms involved? Does this exceed the (24-hr) air quality standard of 0.14 ppm? B. Unit 7 MCQ Flashcards | Quizlet Which of the following best describes the expected distribution of proboscis size of the moths at the end of the fiveyear study? The two populations will show significant genetic differences because the founder effect will result in significant losses in diversity in the smaller population. There is no difference in iridium levels in sediments that were deposited on Earth 3.6 billion years old, compared to recent sediments. Which of the following best explains the mechanism that caused this speciation event in the giant kangaroo rats of population A? Which of the following would most likely represent the types of individuals found in one of the species resulting from shape becoming a prezygotic isolating mechanism in the initial population represented in Figure 1 ? B. Scientists determined the frequencies of the M and N alleles in five localized and stable human populations in the Philippines, Immigration of individuals from Metro Manila into the two populations. The animals in population A were reproductively isolated from those in populations B, C, and D. Which of the following statements best predicts the result of a comparison between the fossils found before and after the period of rapid change? Some plant species flower in response to increasing daily temperatures in the spring. They found that although all 12 populations were exposed to the same environmental pressures, each population had differentiated from one another genetically after 10,000 generations. B. In the presence of available energy and the absence of a significant quantity of atmospheric O2 simple proteins will form spontaneously from a mixture of amino acids. The density of air is I.29kg/m3\mathrm{I} .29 \mathrm{~kg} / \mathrm{m}^3I.29kg/m3. Ca2+^{2+}2+, The following elements are among the five most abundant by mass in the Earth's crust, seawater, and atmosphere except, (a) oxygen Scientists interested in the relationship among vision, foraging for food, and fitness studied three isolated populations of a small species of primate whose The MC1RD allele is not responsible for dark coat color in the Carrizozo population, so the dark coat color is likely a result of convergent evolution. A group of researchers noticed that using a particular drug to treat cancer in mice would reduce the size of the tumor, but some of the tumor cells appeared to be resistant to the drug since some of these cells would increase in number over time. AP Bio 7.14 Multiple Choice Questions | Fiveable

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unit 7 progress check: mcq ap bio