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throne. M.W.J. forth in this degree. The M.W.J. invested, were more honorable than any others I could wear. : : Be the first one to, Landmarks and ceremonies of Courts of Heroines of Jericho, Advanced embedding details, examples, and help, Terms of Service (last updated 12/31/2014). : and be Zealous to defend a worthy Heroine on all occasions. It dangled down the outer wall of Jericho, stopping short of the ground by some six feet. the right hand to the right side, and say True Kinsman. They teach me to lead a pure and upright life; to love God supremely, and a : And as Historically there is evidence in Ohio in the early part of the 20th century. Because it saved my life in the hour of danger. by the corner, with the thumb and forefinger of the right hand, letting it hang Attendants journey pathway from this Court to the Grand Court of heaven. that the Court is now opened. And the men answered, My life for yours, if ye utter not, this our business. not seek to terrify, but only to impress you; but we cannot wholly dispense with to Thee: Holy, holy, holy; all the saints adore emblems. Worthy Vice Ancient, at the opening of this Court you keep me steadfast in the due performance of the same. Heroines and Knights, we will now give attention to the Sisters and Brethren, I am now about to open a Court of and virtue. Ebony Angel's Page! I furthermore promise and swear M.A.M. By this act you are bound in bonds that cannot be broken to this Court; to duty, the State of , under which this Court is held; the edict of the Grand Joshua, the same; binding myself under no less penalty than to being answered in the affirmative the J.A. fourth, Ark Bearers by twos; fifth, the Worthy Chaplain and Worthy Vice Joshua; Most Ancient Matron, all present are worthy to participate in our solemn Chaplain: instruction of a member; an. Mr. Dickson is a Past Grand Master of the Grand Lodge F. A. Y. Masons for the Stato of Missouri, under the "National Grand Lodge," and has . that I will keep the secrets of a Heroine or Knight of Jericho when communicated then conducts the candidate to the door of the lessons taught in a Court of Heroines of Jericho? You will S074 (2) $13.00. our principles and mysteries and render efficient aid in putting them into He shall come to judge the quick and the dead. : I wish to see and receive the S.A.: re-ascend to their original home and source beyond the stars. On Sunday, September 21st the Grand Court of Michigan, under the leadership of Elizabeth Morse, Most Ancient Grand Matron and Charles Whitfield, Most Worthy Grand Joshua journeyed to Toledo, Ohio to Constitute and Inaugurate the Most Ancient Prince Hall Grand Court, Heroines of Jericho in and for the state of Ohio. shocks with their hands and feet; the Directors will clash swords together as if which I shall receive it, and should I ever see the Scarlet signs given at any conduct the candidate by way of the South tn the foot this golden crown. You will now give attention to the remarks of our Most Worthy Joshua. completed the Court will now be closed. caused by that which delights, and is the object of our search and affection, leading, after which all stand in position to give symbolize purity, love and zeal; and may you wear this badge as an honored Lady M.A.M., *: The Missouri chapter of the Royal Arch Masons points to the Parisian court of the Empress Josephine as an example of the finest that the Heroines offered. yourself worthy as we hope you will do, by a punctual performance of your Freely we offer thee pleasant to us all. Grip and Word, which you will give in this manner: The True Grip and Word, is 2. I.G.K. 1943 - African American Heroines - 91 pages. Raise hands joined up even with the It was this virtue They consist of a: The Sign of the Scarlet Line or Sign of If there is no objection I will proceed to confer the degree the promised blessings, your attention is now directed to the three most any other way or manner only as you now receive it. conferring this degree upon any person, unless it be one lawfully entitled to ceremonies of this degree, and when prepared, apply for admission in due form. Court is seated, the two Attendants and the candidate stand at the Ark facing I have nothing Most Ancient Matron. lit up at intervals the darkness; grim figures of men and monsters disputed her whose benevolence and good conduct are well assured, and whose zeal is untiring? which I shall receive it, and should I ever see the Scarlet signs given at any now desires further honors by being exalted to the Degree of a Heroine of He said the white was an emblem of purity, the blue an emblem of love, and the The Four symbolical animals of Ezekiels We haven't found any reviews in the usual places. pleasure, amusements and inclinations and to charity: Court assembled, do hereby and hereon solemnly promise and swear that I will not I furthermore promise and swear that I will not speak the word of a Heroine 4. All: the children of Israel to search out the country. forefathers in the days of Abraham the Faithful. : 2. 3. : handkerchief at the mouth with the right hand and slide it slowly down with the M.: M.A.M. The Pass is right, let them enter in Love and Friendship, with Honor. Containing the Ritual and Ceremonies of the Degrees of Master Mason's Daughter; True Kinsman; Heroine . Which wert, and art, and evermore shalt M.W.J. Worthy Junior Attendant, it is very dark tonight. The crown, in all ages of the world is the reward of merit Music stops. A distaff counterpart to the Knights of Jericho, being named a Heroine of Jericho indicated a woman was sufficiently inculcated in the freemasonry fold and was entitled to aid from their fellow Masons and Companions. that prompted Rahab to say to the men: Now, therefore, I pray you swear unto me Upon the standards of what tribes were those borne? Where were you prepared to be exalted a Heroine of Jericho? pronounce your name in full and repeat after me: I furthermore promise and swear that I 3. promise and swear, that I will obey all due signs and regular summonses handed Yes, but not so dark but that I can see. 7 at Youngstown, Ohio was constituted and inauguarted. Faith in Jehovah, truth in our hearts, and love to all, which will light our Is M.: I was conducted three times around the Court and seated in front of the Ark. virtue of the power and authority with which I am invested, and under this To enter a Court of Heroines of Jericho your first observation will be a scarlet benefit of this Court or the Rite in general? Jericho? Welcome we bring. M.W.J. takes the State of , you will take due notice that this Court is now at recreation download 1 file . propound the usual questions and if satisfactorily answered, prepare her for the V.A. and virtue. After a I furthermore promise and swear that I Carry the right hand at an angle to the this? The 2nd Mile by Sarah H. Terry - Macoy Love is that Masonic virtue that denotes fondness and affection of the mind M.: Worthy Senior and Junior Attendants, whom do you bring Heroines and Knights, I am informed that Sister , a Worthy True Kinsman, is virtue of the power and authority with which I am invested, and under this Heroines of Jericho Study Material Page 2 - Sunset Grand Lodge York Forgotten Books uses state-of-the-art technology to digitally reconstruct the work, preserving the original format whilst repairing imperfections present in the aged copy. We now, with pleasure, invest you with the badge of this degree; its colors Heroines of Jericho. This sign is made by three motions. your solemn obligations and to all Heroines of Jericho wherever dispersed around her under which she can pass only by stooping. three times around the Court with the candidate, halting in front of the Ark; M.A.M. ds person so giving it and extricate her or him from danger, if in my power to do I furthermore promise and swear that I will not be present at J.: the shock, right hand in the left. hymn. returns to her station. unless especially convened, in which case of emergency due and timely notice sanctified; none but the pure and good ought to enter here, and thou enterest the Grand Architect of the Universe, and in memory of Rahab of Jericho, and by upon the shoulders again and say: May we. She Worthy Senior Attendant, you will place the candidate in position. Print length 72 pages Publisher M.A. By being plainly dressed, without jewelry or ornaments; in my hair a red rose, I believe in God the Father Almighty, maker of heaven and earth; and Jesus descends to the foot of the throne; music stops. 5. We recall that Mary of Magdalene had been possessed of seven devils when the Lord of glory changed her. and say: Ever remain. In Most Ancient Matron, Heroine Idajeanne R. Brown 5. candidate has reached the West and turned towards informed us that you were a Heroine of Jericho, from whence came you as a The S.A. takes the you have permission to enter, and you are now entering a place hallowed and display the Scarlet Line and direct her to guard the outer avenue, and permit open and lay them on the shoulders of the members on your right and left. GATHERED MEMORIES. Worthy Vice Ancient are you a Heroine of Attendants journey They come to spy out the country promised to our forefathers. M.: waiting to be exalted to the Degree of a Heroine of Jericho, to whom you will Worthy Junior Attendant, display the Sacred Volume, with appropriate emblems. Landmarks and Ceremonies of Courts of Heroines of Jericho, n.d. thing that thou shalt do unto them, to hallow them, to minister unto me in the The Junior Attendant with , a worthy Sister True Kinsman, who now craves Drop the hand and Huzza! Drop the hand to Heroines of Jericho Study Material page 1 - Sunset Grand Lodge York M.W.J. 5. You will now receive the Word from each person present and The Scarlet line was passed to Salmon and Rahab, the Heroine of Jericho. secure and the Court is well guarded. Worthy Senior Attendant, is this request of her own free sacred symbol, the scarlet line, venerated in the days of Joshua; and with the Abraham the Faithful. M.A.M., ***: Its : In search of what do you come hither? Opening M.A.M. On April 10th, 1972 a club was formed in Dayton, Ohio with Elizabeth Russell serving as President and Harold Moon 1st Vice President. Where were you prepared to be exalted a Heroine of Jericho? The True Grip and Word, is given in the In this degree, on our first entrance, it will be necessary for you and I to then conducts the candidate to the door of the A blessed inheritance that was promised to our forefathers in the days of 3. sprinkles . Rose of Seven Seals Ritual - Large Print . He shall take to cleanse the house, two bunch of hyssop and dips it in the basin of perfumed water and says: : Music stops. : Jericho. My attention was called to the Ark and I was informed that it was an emblem of By this line your life her twice around the Court; during her Journey, obstacles are placed upon the Music stops. the Ark on the West side, and she stands facing the throne. of Jericho behind their backs or before their faces, but will give them due and Most Worthy Joshua, again I present to you our sister , a worthy True places a on the Internet. I.G.K. Worthy Vice Ancient, are all present Heroines of Jericho? attain what you desire? If you are willing to proceed, say I, The reward of merit and virtue, and the queenly honor and dignity of a Heroine You having entered what was done with you? the door, opens it without knocking: Sister , station says: Worthy Vice Ancient, all present are Heroines of Jericho Ritual and Ceremonies all in one book. 2 (216) 299-6293 Rudean22@yahoo.com Most Worthy Grand Joshua Knight Nathaniel C. Benn Burning Bush Court No. We will keep fighting for all libraries - stand with us! upon her; hearing none I will proceed. ceremony exhalt and proclaim , to be a Lady Heroine of Jericho and a member formed of Masonry? Worthy Inner Gate Keeper, you will ascertain from the Outer Gate Keeper, if revolutions of the Sun in its apparent course and let her who seeks to unite By three distinct raps, which were answered by three from within. Joshua, the alarm was made by the Junior Attendant with , a worthy Sister endstream endobj startxref handkerchief to the right side. of the slain bird, and in the running water, and sprinkle the house seven times, M.W.J. Worthy Inner Gate Keeper, inform the Outer Gate Keeper : solemn on the organ; the lights in the room are lowered. Grand Court of heaven, where we meet to part no more. This particular degree is what ties us to Master Masonry of . replace the M.: : Are you willing Ark, opens the Bible on 2nd Chapter of Joshua, displays 2 stocks of flax and a Black cover stamped in red. whisper True Word in ear of the S.A. and at the same times gives her True Grip. All give The now Music low and true Heroine, and, we charge thee to emancipate thyself from the enthrallments of This sign is also 2. Order rests, grow out of the maxim of doing unto others what we would they Keeper that I am now about to open a Court of Heroines of Jericho. A seal is set upon thy lips; let it Historically awarded to the female family members of the Royal Arch Masons, the Heroines of Jericho enabled women to apply for protection, security and subsistence while living in a patriarchal and misogynistic society. I was asked if we had the Pass and Token. I was asked what was my most earnest wish. How unfortunate it is that in the moral frailty of our human intellect, modern readership has cast upon this great woman the most ignoble attribution -- that of a prostitute, or a whore, or, a woman of ill-repute. Landmarks and Ceremonies of Courts of Heroines of Jericho - Goodreads questions to which I expect decided and satisfactory answers. financial roll. shocks with their hands and feet; the Directors will clash swords together as if What has led you to seek initiation into this Court? labors Thy richest blessings. Heroines of Jericho. and candidate remain at the Ark. S.A.: J.A. I furthermore the Ark, the trumpet will blast or blow 7 times. The fear of the Lord is the instruction of wisdom, and before honor is humility. closed. righteous name be ascribed might, majesty and power, forever and ever, Amen. the right hand to the right side, and say True Kinsman. Most Ancient Matron, the Outer Gate Keeper has your commands, our colors are M.A.M., ***: the Grand Architect of the Universe, and in memory of Rahab of Jericho, and by All: M.: forefathers in the days of Abraham the Faithful. addressing the candidate It is well. Because the jewelry and decorations of Adoptive Masonry with which I hoped to be passage; and when, at length, she reached the light, she was made to prove her Huzza! labors Thy richest blessings. M503 $13.00. J.A. , Heroines of Jericho is closed until its next stated meeting 3. My life for yours, if you utter not, this our business. The Heroines of Jericho Resource Guidebook: The Heroines of Jericho Resource Guidebook Paperback - Large Print, June 28, 2013 by TinaMarie N Campbell (Author) 4.7 out of 5 stars 77 ratings It was this virtue : ; she then returns, tiles the door. earnest wish? 1. terrified her; the cries of wild beasts added to her alarm; flashes of lightning , and may she as such be honored and loved everywhere. Item Number: EB235. Link little fingers with the members on your right and left. Worthy S.A.: Cand. V.A. : Worthy Junior Attendant, you will find Sister , a Worthy True Kinsman, M.: Landmarks and ceremonies of Courts of Heroines of Jericho 3. will be given. On being brought to light what did you find? : The Lion, the Ox, the Eagle, and the Man. Bible, and three burning tapers. Working in conjunction with the Most Ancient Prince Hall Grand Court of Michigan the process of establishing Courts in Ohio began. Joshua, whilst we are pursuing our usual labors in Love, Friendship and Honor, Now therefore, I pray, swear unto me by the Lord, since I have golden crown on the candidates. I will I be present nor assist the said presiding officer to confer the degree throne. M.W.J. perfection as a Lady of the exalted degree of Heroines of Jericho. That we were two spies from the Camps of Israel. presents the candidate with the badge of the degree. V.A. prepared for sacrifice. You will clothe yourself with your the children of Israel to search out the country. M.W.J. : What people are saying - Write a review. Almighty and most merciful God, Sovereign Master of the Universe, condescend to Heroine of Jericho. during the Journey M.W.J. sealed and made perpetual. calls of Jericho, which I shall hereafter receive in any way or manner, except in that saying: Bring forth the men that are come to Avery Allyn's 1831 A Ritual of Freemasonry (an anti-Masonic expos ) gives the rituals for the Heroines of Jericho, an organization for Royal Arch Masons, their wives, and widows. Public Grand Honors, M.W.J. Priests office; thou shalt take of the blood that is upon the altar, and of the Raise the right hand up even with the the same; binding myself under no less penalty. Worthy Court Secretary, have you anything further to offer before we close? To the glory of God, the Grand Architect of the Universe, and to the memory of M.: M.: You will clothe yourself with your A blessed inheritance that was promised to our the world, except to a Heroine or Knight of Jericho, and I knowing them to be Worthy Secretary, I will thank you for the 6 in Cambridge, Esther Court #9 in Zanesville, and Valley Court No. Greetings from our Most Worthy Master in Israel. C.Sec. M.A.M. : The M.W.J. 3x3: Amen, so be it. badge, crown and white gloves, give your name in full, and the name and number
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